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401 Articles (All categories)

Showing articles 61-90 (401 in total)

sharing parenting responsabilities
Aug 05 2023

Sharing Parenting Responsibilities: A Guide for Australian Co-Parents

Parenting has a lot of responsibilities. In fact, many co-parents w...

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High-conflict ex-partner
Aug 02 2023

Strategies for Co-Parenting with a High-Conflict Ex-Partner

Co-parenting can be difficult even in the best of circumstances but...

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Successful at Co-Parenting
Jul 30 2023

5 Perfect Tips for Successful at Co-Parenting

Divorce can bring out the worst in people. There is a tension betwe...

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Custody arrangements
Jul 26 2023

How to navigate custody arrangements as a divorced/separated parent in the USA

The presence of children during a divorce or separation can make th...

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Suport as a divorced parent
Jul 23 2023

Finding Support as a Divorced/Separated Parent in the USA

Divorced or Separated parents go through a difficult time because o...

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Dating after divorce
Jul 21 2023

Dating after divorce/separation in the USA tips and advice for parents

The dating scene can seem like a difficult road to navigate. But th...

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Creating a Successful Co-Parenting Plan in the UK
Jul 20 2023

Tips for Creating a Successful Co-Parenting Plan in the UK

Successful co-parenting always starts with a plan. I’m sure you kno...

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mental health
Jul 19 2023

2houses_ Children’s Mental Health During Separation

Separation and divorce is a challenging situation for all those inv...

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Coparenting strategies
Jul 05 2023

Co-parenting strategies for divorced/separated parents in the USA

Divorces or separations that include children may result in a parti...

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Dealing with difficult ex-spouses
Jul 03 2023

Dealing with difficult ex-spouses as a divorced/separated parent in the USA

Divorce or separation is a life-altering event that can significant...

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Co-Parenting with a High-Conflict
Jul 03 2023

Navigating the Storm: Challenges of Co-Parenting with a High-Conflict Ex-Partner in the USA

Divorce is never easy, but when your ex-partner is high-conflict, t...

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Child Custody Arrangements in Canada
Jun 30 2023

Navigating Child Custody Arrangements in Canada

Separation and divorce is not easy and it leads to a lot of uncerta...

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Living in Two Households after Divorce
Jun 28 2023

Helping Your Child Adjust to Living in Two Households after Divorce/Separation

Divorce or separation can be difficult for both parents and childre...

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Importance of Maintaining Communication with Your Co-Parent
Jun 26 2023

The Importance of Maintaining Communication with Your Co-Parent in the UK

When it comes to co-parenting, one of the most important parts of i...

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Separation and divorce brings a lot of emotions that can be damaging to the relationship you have with your other child’s parent; however, it is important to maintain a positive relationship for your child. Learn strategies to develop and maintain a healthy relationship with your ex-partner as you move into co-parenting.
Jun 24 2023

Tips for Maintaining a Positive Relationship with Your Child’s Other Parent After Separation or Divorce

We all want the best for our kids but that isn’t always possible du...

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Using Technology to Facilitate Co-Parenting After Separation or Divorce
Jun 22 2023

The Benefits of Using Technology to Facilitate Co-Parenting After Separation or Divorce

Whether we like it or not, technology has become a fixture in our l...

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Reduce Conflict between Co-Parents
Jun 20 2023

How 2houses Helps to Reduce Conflict between Co-Parents

Two houses can mean a lot of conflict. You have individual sche...

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Successful Custody Schedule
Jun 18 2023

Tips for Creating a Successful Custody Schedule with 2houses

Creating a successful custody schedule can be a challenge but it do...

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Impact of Divorce and Separation on Your Career
Jun 15 2023

Impact of Divorce and Separation on Your Career as a Parent in the USA Do divorce and separation harm or help parent’s careers?

Some professions will prosper following a divorce, while others wil...

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Manage Shared Expenses with Your Co-Parent in the UK
Jun 14 2023

How to Manage Shared Expenses with Your Co-Parent in the UK

Money—they say that it can make or break a relationship. And everyo...

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2houses can Help Separated Australian Parents Improve their Communication
Jun 12 2023

2houses can Help Separated Australian Parents Improve their Communication

Australians. If there are stereotypes around the world, I’m sure we...

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Help Your Children Adjust to a Separation
Jun 10 2023

Helping Your Children Adjust to a Separation: Strategies for Australian Parents

Separation isn’t easy. Not for the parents working through the sepa...

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Financial Planning for Canadian Divorced
Jun 09 2023

Financial Planning for Canadian Divorced/Separated Parents

When we get separated or divorced, one of the first things that we ...

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Create a Custody Schedule That Works for Your Family
Jun 08 2023

How to Create a Custody Schedule That Works for Your Family

When it comes to divorce or separation, often one of the hardest ta...

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Positive co-parenting
Jun 06 2023

Creating a Positive Co-Parenting Relationship: Lessons from Successful Australian Families

Co-parenting is full of highs and lows and moments when you aren’t ...

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Mistakes To Avoid When Co-parenting After Divorce/Separation
Jun 05 2023

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Co-parenting After Divorce/Separation In The USA

Co-parenting is a difficult task. After a breakup or divorce, paren...

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Legal Considerations for Separated Parents
Jun 04 2023

Top Legal Considerations for Separated Parents in Australia

Separation can be a tricky period in a relationship that is difficu...

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Successfully Managing Custody Schedules
Jun 02 2023

Tips for Successfully Managing Custody Schedules with 2houses

Custody schedules. They can make or break a co-parenting relationsh...

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Album photos
Jun 01 2023

How Shared Photo Albums on 2houses Help Children Stay Connected with Both Parents

Photos are the lifeblood of the world…or at least, that is how they...

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Importance of Communication for Canadian Co-Parents
May 26 2023

The Importance of Communication for Canadian Co-Parents

Communication. It has become such a strange thing that we often don...

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Why 2houses?

We are a co-parenting facilitator!


A calendar for everyone, getting organised when you’re divorced is a priority. 2houses provides you an online shared schedule, with many editing, adding, and sync features.


For us, as divorced parents, the financial topic is most of the time a conflict topic. Now, 2houses manages all expenses from each parent, keeps you informed on the situation, day after day, coins after coins.


Communication is key, this is why 2houses offers you an online messaging tool, simple, efficient and secure.


The journal is your quick family social network. You can easily share all information, news, photos, videos, and even your children’s funny quotes. The family is never far away, no matter where you are geographically located.

And many more features!

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