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How to Keep Your Kids Safe on Social Media after Divorce

Social media can be tricky for parents, especially after a divorce. There are apps like Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram, plus messaging apps like iMessage, WhatsApp, and even games on PlayStation that let you talk to others. These apps can be good and bad. Some people think they can help parents raise their kids together after a divorce by making it easier to talk. But they can also cause problems. Social media can make it harder for parents to get over the divorce and can make raising their kids together more difficult. To keep your kids safe during this tough time, it’s important to know the good and bad things about social media. This article will explain them and give parents some important tips to help their kids use social media safely during and after a divorce.

Social Media Post-divorce: Positive & Negative side

Social media isn’t all bad for your kids. There’s good stuff too that we can’t ignore. Let’s check out both sides.

The Positives

Social media apps keep updating, letting users see new posts instantly. For parents just starting out after a divorce, this can be heartwarming and help both parents and children feel connected. Here are some ways social media can positively impact co-parenting and relationships with your children:

Better Communication:
Social media allows both parents and extended family to stay updated on the children’s lives. Co-parents can share and view photos from the child’s school day or birthday parties without having to ask for them.

Parents and children can play fun and educational games together on social media or smartphone apps. This helps kids feel connected to the non-custodial parent during the week and can foster a shared interest.

Photo Sharing:
One of the best features of social media is photo sharing. Seeing daily pictures can be especially comforting for both parents and children after a divorce.

The Negatives

Social media can have many negative effects after a divorce. Here are some things to watch out for:

Oversharing: Don’t post too much personal stuff online, especially about your ex or your kids. This can be embarrassing for them and cause problems with your co-parenting. Think twice before you hit “post,” and never say bad things about your ex. It can hurt your kids (called “parental alienation”).

Moving On Too Fast: After a tough divorce, you might want to show off your new love life on social media. But hold on! Your kids might not be ready to see pictures of your new partner all the time. It can make them feel sad and alone.

Harming Your Kid’s Mental Health:
For parents in a really tough divorce or who don’t know much about co-parenting well, their kids might end up alone a lot after the divorce. During that time, social media can become a big part of their life, which can be bad. Studies show that teens who spend more than three hours a day on social media are twice as likely to feel depressed and anxious. Your kids could face cyberbullying, online abuse, and have trouble sleeping, which could hurt their mental health.

Importance of Keeping Your Kids Safe on Social Media:

Today, most kids use social media, which can be both fun and risky. After a divorce, it’s extra important to make sure your kids are safe online.

The internet and social media are a normal part of your kids’ lives. They use it to chat with friends, learn about things they like, and show who they are. But social media also has dangers, like cyberbullying, strangers who might try to hurt them, and seeing things they shouldn’t. These dangers can be even worse during a divorce when emotions are high. As parents, it’s your job to teach your kids how to be safe online, even when things are tough at home.

What to Watch Out For Online

There are some things online that can be really bad for your kids. Here are some of the biggest dangers:

  • Meanies Online (Cyberbullying): Kids can be teased or even threatened online. This can make them feel really sad and scared.
  • Seeing Bad Stuff (Inappropriate Content): Sometimes kids see things online that aren’t right for them, like violence or grown-up stuff.
  • Strangers Who Want to Hurt You (Online Predators): Some bad people might try to trick or hurt kids online.
  • Sharing Too Much (Privacy and Security Concerns): If your kids share personal things or don’t have good privacy settings, someone might steal their information or hurt them.
  • Feeling Down Because of Social Media: Spending too much time on social media can make kids feel more anxious, sad, or not good about themselves, especially during a divorce.

So, How to Keep Your Kids Safe on Social Media after Divorce?

Setting Parental Controls and Privacy Settings on Social Media Platforms

  • Limits for Kids: Decide which social media apps are okay for your child’s age and keep an eye on their activity.
  • Privacy Check: Make sure your child’s profile is private so only approved friends can see their stuff.
  • Location Off: Turn off location sharing so no one can see where your child is.
  • See What They See: Regularly check your child’s posts, messages, and who they’re talking to.
  • Use Special Apps: There are apps that can help you see what your child is doing online. Using those apps you can do following things-
    •  Location privacy: Using these apps, you can disable the device location for where your kids are accessing the internet.
    • Private profile: Encourage your child to use a private profile if the app has that option.
    • Personal information: Don’t let their profile show their real name, age, birthday, phone number, or home address.
    • Content filters: Block out inappropriate content they might see online.

Educate Your Kids about Online Safety:

  1. Talk About Behavior: Teach your kids to be kind and respectful online and to think about what they post before they share it.
  2. Protect Personal Info: Make sure your kids know not to share sensitive info online and to be cautious about who they talk to.
  3. Think Critically: Help your kids learn to question what they see online and to be aware of fake news and scams.
  4. Use Social Media Wisely: Encourage your kids to balance their time online with other activities and to use social media responsibly.

You Should Monitoring Your Child’s Social Media Activity

  1. Check In Regularly: Keep tabs on what your kids are doing online by checking their profiles and talking to them about their activity.
  2. Build Trust: Be open with your kids about why you’re monitoring their activity and make sure they feel comfortable coming to you with any concerns.
  3. Use Monitoring Tools: Consider using apps or tools to help you keep track of what your kids are doing online.

Be Open and Communicate Openly With Your Kids:

  1. Create a Safe Space: Make sure your kids feel comfortable talking to you about their online experiences and any problems they encounter.
  2. Address Their Worries: Acknowledge that divorce can be tough on kids and talk to them about how it might affect their online behavior.
  3. Empower Them: Help your kids develop the skills they need to stay safe online and encourage them to ask for help if they need it.
  4. Set Boundaries Together: Involve your kids in setting rules for their online activity and praise them for following them.

Get Help if You Need It:

For practical guidance and emotional assistance, you have the option to reach out to nearby groups or organizations. Alternatively, you can directly get in touch with us or arrange a meeting. is committed to simplifying co-parenting and improving your life as a post-divorce parent.

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